Sunday Service
We believe that God is always with us, but Sundays are a special time to slow down, to be still, and to be with one another and God in a particular way.
As one congregation member puts it, “I can’t say why exactly, but church just reminds me who I am and what life is about, it sets me up for the rest of my week.”
We meet every week at All Saints Church, Haggerston at 10.30am and everyone is welcome. We are an inclusive church. Some people like to dress up for church, if that’s your thing go for it, but you don’t need to wear special clothes to join us. Some people like to come early, light a candle and pray in the quiet. Others like to come late and sneak in at the back. Come as you are.
Our service is a celebration of the Eucharist (also known as Communion)
This is a sharing in the meal of Bread and wine Jesus taught us to celebrate together. In the service we say sorry for when we have got things wrong, we give thanks for the goodness and grace of God and we ask God to help us live lives that are more loving.
You’ll receive a booklet when you come in that will guide you through the service. However, please don’t worry too much about if you are ‘doing it right’. If you get lost feel free to follow your neighbour, or just sit and soak up God’s love for you in God’s house.
You’ll see vestments (the priest and servers wearing special clothes), candles and incense. Bells will be rung. For us these details are like holy highlighters, drawing our imaginations towards the other-ness of God.
We sing from hymn books accompanied by an organ. You’ll also here a few modern songs and gospel anthems, especially on our youth Sunday services. Praising God in lots of different ways gives us joy.
Our service lasts about an hour and a half, afterwards we share tea and coffee together and usually eat cake to celebrate a birthday or a festival.
Sometimes we share a meal in the hall or the vicarage. If you visit us on a bring and share day, don’t worry if you haven’t brought food, there is always more than enough! And if you need to slip away because you have plans we understand…
We hope to see you soon.